- Tori Kelly - Dear No One
I like being independent
Not so much of an investment
也沒有什麼大事業- No one to tell me what to do
I like being by myself
Don't gotta entertain anybody else
No one to answer to
But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold - 但有些時候我只是想要有人抱著我
Someone to give me their jacket when its cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand - 有時候我只是想要有人牽起我的手
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you 'til the end - 我會愛你直到天荒地老
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done looking - 因為我已經受夠尋找
For my future someone - 我未來的你
Cause when the time is right, you'll be here but for now - 當時間來臨時你就會出現在這裡,但現在
Dear no one, this is your love song - 親愛的沒有人,這是屬於你的情歌
I don't really like big crowds- 我真的不喜歡人潮
- I tend to shut people out
- 也不喜歡與人接觸
- I like my space, yeahh!
- 我喜歡我自己的空間
But I'd love to have a soul mate- 但我還是期望有個靈魂伴侶
- And God'll give him to me someday
而有天上帝讓我遇見他 - And I know it'll be worth the wait
我知道這一切會值得等待 - So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
所以要是你真的在那,我發誓我會好好的陪著你 - But I'm done looking
因為我已經受夠尋找 - For my future someone
我未來的另一半 - Cause when the time is right, you'll be here but for now
當時機對時,你就會出現在我面前 - Dear no one, this is your love song
- 親愛的現在這首歌是給你的定情歌
Sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
有時候我只是想要有人可以擁抱- Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold
當感到寒冷時有人給我夾克 - Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand
有時候我只是想要有人牽起我的手- Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
帶著我、把我拉進他的懷裡,成為我的男人 - I will love you 'til the end
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
所以要是你真的在那,我發誓我會好好愛著你- Cause I'm done looking
因為我真的受夠尋找 - For my future someone
我未來的你 - Cause when the time is right, you'll be here but for now
- 而當時間來臨時,我知道你會為我在那等我
- Dear no one (Dear nobody), this is your love song